Monthly Archives: December 2013

Perfect Gift for Your Beloved Naturalist

So I keep noticing “gifts for naturalist” showing up in my search feed and thought I would use this opportunity to shamelessly promoteĀ my RedBubble shop. So far I’ve only got a handful items but keep an eye there because more will be coming, including Roaming Naturalist swag and some really cool stickers.

If you need the perfect gift for a naturalist in the meantime.. how ’bout a cool shirt? You can get them in men’s, women’s, and kids’ styles. There’s a baseball tee (my personal fav) and hoodies! Also available as stickers if you don’t want to dole out cash for apparel! There are also a couple of photographic items if that’s more your naturalist’s style.

Thanks and enjoy! :)

The Roaming Naturalist Facebook page!

I’ve decided to climb out from beneath my rock and get myself a Facebook page. Won’t you like it? (No really, please? I only have a handful of likes.)

If you do, you’ll get an inside peek at some of my favorite internet happenings outside of the blog. Don’t forget, I’m also on Twitter and my personal favorite obsession, Pinterest!

Like The Roaming Naturalist page!

[Video] Elise’s Sweet Potato Project

Well, I’ve just had my Wednesday morning cry and I thought I’d share it with you. The reality that children are learning so early on how we hurt the planet (and each other) and doing something about it just fills my heart up so much sometimes I can’t hold back the tears.

Elise had a simple science experiment to do, but couldn’t seem to make it work with conventional produce. You’ll be impressed by what she discovered, and how its implications may affect us all. Cross the jump to check out the 2-minute video and make the “OMG THIS KID IS SO CUTE” face that I’m making right now. Enjoy!

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[Activity] Natural Homemade Sweet Potato Dog Treats

dog treats

Today is Sunka’s fifth birthday! It seems like just yesterday I brought him home and shamed him into eternity by dressing him up as often as possible with camera in hand.

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This little guy has been with me on many, many adventures and I wanted to make his birthday special this year. There was a brisk winter walk, some soccer in the snow, and even a homemade bow tie! I think mint green is stunning on his handsome visage.

One of the other things I love to do for my pups is make my own treats for them. I know where the treats have come from so I know they’re safe, they’re made out of just one or a few ingredients, and they’re cheap – I paid $.89 a pound for these sweet potatoes. If you want to try them, all you need are sweet potatoes, an oven, and most of a day to piddle around the house. (Perfect for bad-weather days!) If you’re not into sweet potatoes, I’ve also included an insanely simple frozen yogurt treat at the end of the post.

It’s a twofer birthday Tuesday!

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