
what we do
The Roaming Naturalist is a work of love that seeks to guide people in connecting with their first world: the natural world. If you’re looking for a place where human culture, archaeology, social justice, kids-at-heart, art, and positive attitudes intersect with nature – congratulations, you’ve found us! Here you will find articles, activities, resources, and more, to help you with that connection. We do our best to make that information bite-sized but powerful, because we understand how busy the average person is – even those who wildly want to connect. What you will not find here is fear-mongering, cynicism, or a bunch of jargon that sometimes makes science inaccessible (and if you do find those things, please be sure to contact us so we can take care of it). We want this site to encourage people (adults and kids alike) to connect with  nature, and to connect to one another.

mission statement
The Roaming Naturalist is dedicated to connecting both children and adults to the natural world, regardless of location, educational background, economic status, ethnicity, gender identification, sexual orientation, or personal ability. No person is unbound to the natural world, and through this common bond may we connect also to one another and to the earthly forces that sustain us.

Deep within each of us are the ancient roots that link us to the earth, the sea, the sky, and all other living things; we can remember and access these ties if we choose. The plants, animals, and stones have things to tell you; are you ready to listen?

who is the Roaming Naturalist?
My name is Nicole and I live in the state of Maryland in the United States. I am a self-taught naturalist with more than a decade’s experience guiding kids, adults, and families outdoors, developing interpretive and educational programs, writing, and connecting people with the resources around them. I’ve been incredibly privileged to work directly with rehabilitated birds of prey and other animals that are unreleasable. I’ve worked in state parks in two states, a nature center, and attended school for a short time in South Africa. I have my Bachelors in Anthropology, the study of culture, and am thus in a unique position to see through the lenses of both nature and human culture simultaneously.

I have lived near rivers, mountains, deserts, and wet forests. I am perpetually exploring new places to observe and experience. My team and I want to share this natural desire to roam with you, our special readers and participants. We hope that you will also develop a wanderlust – an interest to see new trees, smell new soil, and let all the wilderness found in even the quiet dandelion fill your heart with strength and comfort. That is my personal hope for you, because it has been my experience with nature.

Thank you for joining us here!

me and sequoia

Through interpretation, understanding.

Through understanding, appreciation.

Through appreciation, protection.

– Freeman Tilden, quoting a US National Park Service administrative manual,
Interpreting Our Heritage

  1. This is fantastic. Loved reading your, Who Me?.

  2. This is wonderful…see your stellar. glad to be linked

  3. Neat blog! Excuse me for writing here, but I could not find any contact information on your site. I have a question for you about Berry Go Round, the blog carnival about plants. Would you mind writing to me? (and feel free to delete this comment) Thanks. Mary

  4. Way Cool my friend…..ha… Great Things to Think About….ha ….I’m still laughing ,What a Great narrator…..Rsj

  5. Thanks so much for the info on Painted Hills. Question please: How much time I should allot at the Hills to see it? Is one day sufficient? or several hours? Of course, I’d love to stay for weeks, but I’m only in Oregon for 6 days and I there is so much to see! (thanks to your info, I now feel this is a ‘must’!) Thanks Jude

    • Hi Jude, sorry if I’m replying too late, but for me I like to allot 2-4 hours for the Painted Hills. I like to do the three or four trails out there and including photographing and obligatory snack time, I can stay out there for quite a while. Keep in mind that it’s in my nature to stop literally every five minutes while hiking to investigate or photograph new plants, tracks, poop, or rocks. :) Hope that helps! There IS a lot to see in Oregon!

  6. Hey TRN,

    Check out this article I found. You will LOVE it. I think it would make a good TRN post. I had to use your TNR email since you never sent me your email.



  7. Hey there,

    What a great site with such a fantastic and necessary message. I’m all for positive environmentalism and you capture that notion so well with your material. Very well written too. I’ll be sure to keep up to date with your ideas and travels – cool stuff!


  8. maryanne haglund

    Just stumbled upon your blog and it is wonderful and you are righteously charming AND informative. Your mom must be proud.

    • Wow Maryanne, you just made my day! My mom doesn’t understand the whole bringing-home-wild-animals and always-being-covered-in-soil thing, but you know, she really does love me all the same. Thanks for checking out the blog! :)

  9. Just found your blog via a google inquiry about my 13 year old female rubber boa whom I have had since she was born in 2001. She has this odd habit of rolling on her back under the heat lamp I proved for her. She appears quite gravid despite never being with a male.

    You have some very awesome and beautiful snakes yourself. I too had a Rosey boa years ago I gave him the name of Twitch do to his odd habit of twitching his head side to side when he was watching something. He was the same color as your lovely female.

    Going to fave yer page and do some more reading as I have time. You seem to have written some very cool things.

    From a fellow snake and nature lover may you and all your beasties have most excellent day!

    Aint no better place to grow up and live than the country.

    • Hi Patrick! Excited to hear you also have rubber boa! I have never heard of the habit of a snake rolling on its back, but if she’s gravid than she may behave strangely. Snakes are like chickens – females can lay eggs without the eggs being fertilized. If you’re not sure how long she’s been gravid you may want to contact a vet that works on snakes because if the eggs are trapped, it could kill her. Thank you again so much for reading and commenting!! :)

      • Howdy and good day to you! Thanks for the reply.

        Indeed have read up on some of the strange behaviors females exhibit when pregnant in reptiles magazine and online, but this was a behavior I had never read about. Indeed I have read about the egg passing as well and the instances where some females had become egg bound and required surgery to remove the eggs. I will bear this in mind and make sure nothing happens to her. Thanks for the info and concern. YOU are most welcome I found your blog interesting so I felt it was the polite thing to do.

        So how old are all your babies?

        May you and yours be well and may you all have an excellent day!

  10. I’m taking a Nautral History class, and your site looks like a great place for more info!

What do you think?